Thursday, January 24, 2013

Speak English Fluently

Learning a new language is a challenge. When China was planning to host the Olympic, a mammoth efforts were organised to educated the relevant service providers to speak English. One of the methods used was to  use mp3 player or CDs  while driving. This method was widely used by the Beijing taxi drivers.

I came across a site offering similar service featuring similar MP3 facilities. The learning interventions include:

- 100 MP3 lessons
- Learning Guide (Pdf).
- 10 Videos on Business English
- 6 Videos on Learning English

When you purchase the system, you will receive a list of lessons and videos which you can download on you convenience. The photo of the list is give below. Each of the 100 lessons will revolve around a given theme.

Example for lesson 19, the topic of the lesson is on Saturday night dating. The conversation will be revolving around the topics. Some new words are introduced...
- a psycho - as used in a sentence... "dont be a psycho".
- stalker
- blew it
- needy
- play it cool

The meaning of the words are explained in a normal conversation style, rather than a written or scholarly style.   

The module is available at.. Real Spoken English

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Teaching The Orphans Letter A

Today is the first day I was using the Wordpower Video uploaded by Hello Channel English. The students liked it.

This is how I went about doing it.

A. Lesson Plan
I prepared a simple plan on how to teach..
a.- I would play the video and do 5 words at a time. The students listen and do whatever is requested by the video.
b - Then I will write the words on the white board.
c - Use the 3 steps to learning...
     step 1 - say the word
     step 2 - know the meaning
     step 3 - make a sentence.

One of my first task is to break the barrier between teacher and students. Only when the barrier is broken, it will be easy to reach them. The students will build the trust and accept the learning.

B. The words to learn
- a
- ability
- able
- abrupt
- about
- above
- absent
- absorb
- abuse
- accept.

B. The challenges
As today is the beginning of a long school holiday, the students have a number of activities. In fact they had had a breadfast. A such the session for the boys were cancelled and the girls had ample time.

These are the picture for the session today...


Saturday, October 27, 2012

Learning English - Selecting The Teaching Material

I am starting a class to teach a group of orphans to improve their English Language. What I want to do first is to build up their vocabulary. As the class is only once a week, I would be tough for the students to show improvement within a short period.

To facilitate my teaching, I will be using a video. I think, my best choice is to use the material from Youtube. This week I find a video with a structured method to build up the vocab. It divide the lesson into words starting with sequence of alphabets.
I like the way the lesson is carried out. This is how the teaching is carried out... a. It starts with pronunciation, the students are given two chances to say the words correctly. b. The next step is giving the meaning, the video explains the meaning of the word. c. A sentence is given for each words. In using the video, I will take it slowly to give the students the chance to write and practice the words.